Dori Klass coaches successful mid-career professionals, leaders in the work place and the home, committed to growing, learning and showing up powerfully and consistently, no matter what life brings; leaders who intend to be the role models they always wanted and want to make the most of their reach and impact while they can. Dori is a successful corporate leader (20+ years), entrepreneur (since 2003), certified coach and organization development consultant with over 30 years of leadership experience.
Emboldened and Reinvigorated Emboldened by my recent work with Tara Mohr and her Playing Big Facilitator’s Training and reinvigorated by my recent work with Carole Kammen, where we played with Voice Dialog, an exciting and powerful method for exploring our many selves, co-created by Sidra and Hal Stone, I am excited about my life. There’s…
| Read time: 15-20 minutes | Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Jenny is a client of mine who, in the middle of this pandemic, found herself trying to decide whether to quit her job or not. She was beating herself up unnecessarily for “not being decisive.” In her pre-COVID-19 life, she was considering…
Who Has Your Back? And Why Does This Matter? Recently, my husband, Michael, and I raised a glass to toast his mom, my mother-in-law, Jacqueline Klass, affectionately known as Jackie. She would’ve been 93 had she still been alive. She was a quiet and diminutive, yet formidable and heart-centered, force of nature; someone who always…