Dori Klass coaches successful mid-career professionals, leaders in the work place and the home, committed to growing, learning and showing up powerfully and consistently, no matter what life brings; leaders who intend to be the role models they always wanted and want to make the most of their reach and impact while they can. Dori is a successful corporate leader (20+ years), entrepreneur (since 2003), certified coach and organization development consultant with over 30 years of leadership experience.
I couldn’t figure out why I was getting all these nagging little illnesses, over and over again, from colds to sinus infections to high ankle sprains, aches and pains that took forever to heal. Long work days? Busy life? Asking too much of myself or my body? Out of alignment and integrity with my core…
In her book, The Language of Emotions: What Your Feelings Are Trying To Tell You, Karla McLaren is advocating for creating a conscious life, conscious relationships, and conscious communities. We need to reclaim and reinvent our relationship with our emotions, and, as a result, revive our essential natures. We are not just logical, rational, left-brain…
I read Choice Theory for the first time in 2006 as part of the Academy for Family Coach Training’s curriculum to become a Parent Coach while also serving as a consultant and enrollment specialist to the company. I have re-read it many times since and have given it to every one of my new clients.…