Choose Powerfully

Choose Powerfully

Are you struggling with a significant event, loss or transition in your life – health, relationship, career? Are you feeling stuck and out of control; dominated by external factors and forces? Unable to move forward positively and meaningfully? Perhaps you’re in the middle of a chemo regimen, a divorce or a job change – you’ve…

Know Yourself

Are you struggling with a decision? Are you paralyzed by too many options and behaving strangely because of it? Are you noticing yourself feeling wishy washy or ambivalent, operating from an “either this or that” perspective? If you find yourself feeling uncharacteristically indecisive, flip-flopping between extreme possibilities, or, worse, making spontaneous decisions that have far-reaching…

Permission to Pause

Is there a voice inside you worrying about whether you’ll get picked for the team? Or be allowed to stay? Is there a part of you that loves the life you’ve built and another that is clear you’ve reached the end of an arc? Are you stuck in an old story about the life you…